Health and Heart. Part Three.

Matt Casperite
7 min readMar 16, 2021



I’ve made some major progress this past month; I’m down 9 more pounds and have hit a new low on my weight loss goal to bring my total weight lost up to 59lbs! This has been a very challenging journey to get to this point, and I have learned three major things about weight loss: you have to stay flexible, you have to be willing to try new things, and you have to make little sacrifices. Staying flexible is critical to maintaining your mental fortitude and motivation throughout the process. There are so many things that are going to interfere with your workout schedule, your meal prepping abilities, and your sleep schedule that will force you to get out of your normal routine. When you don’t have time to meal prep or haven’t had a chance to get to the store for groceries for it, it’s very easy to just eat an unhealthy fast food option and claim it as your cheat meal. The problem is, it’s very easy for that situation to lead you into having 6 or 7 cheat meals in one week instead of the one it’s supposed to be!

Another example is when you have a family gathering so you don’t have time to do your full workout that day, or maybe not at all, and you allow that to frustrate you and lead to missing more workout days afterwards. By maintaining an attitude of flexibility throughout this journey you can figure out ways to work around whatever obstacles come your way. For me, working out is what motivates me to eat healthy and gives me such a better attitude because I feel like I actually did something. The truth is, however, that what you’re eating and how much you’re eating is 90% of weight loss, the working out is really only about 10% of the battle. I would much rather miss a workout than eat an unhealthy meal. I always keep lunch meat and canned vegetables at my house, so if I miss my meal prepping for whatever reason I can always just cut up some turkey in the vegetables and eat that. It may not be the best option but it’s certainly a healthy alternative to eating a burger and fries from a fast food restaurant.

The second most important thing I’ve learned is you have to have a willingness to try new things. When I first started this weight loss journey, I was so overweight that even small dietary changes made a huge difference, and I was I able to see results very quickly without much effort. I had a workout program that I was doing consistently, and it worked pretty well for about the first 30lbs. Then I kind of hit a wall and had to reevaluate what I could do differently. I made a few dietary changes and some major workout changes and was able to see results again. Then last month I began to plateau a little again, so I started looking for other changes I could make. The number one change I made was to stop eating cheese with my meals. When I meal prep, my favorite thing to do is to make bowls with meat, rice, beans, and cheese. I noticed that I was putting way too much cheese in these bowls, mainly because I love the taste of cheese. However, since I didn’t have the restraint when adding cheese to my bowls to just put in a little bit, I decided to cut it out completely.

I really would prefer to eat these bowls with cheese, but if little sacrifices like that can lead to me reaching my weight loss goals, then I will do whatever it takes. Along with being flexible and being willing to try new things, the third key to weight loss is finding out what little sacrifices you need to make to accomplish your goals. It could be cutting out your favorite condiments, getting up a little earlier so you have time to work out, or spending more time cooking and cleaning so you can meal prep properly. Try to think of anything you can do differently or things you can avoid doing to really help you reach the healthy physique you’re looking for! It may seem annoying or difficult at first, but when you see the results in the mirror and feel the benefit of the added mobility, it is definitely worth it!


“He who wins the victory will, like them, be dressed in white clothing; and I will not blot his name out of the Book of Life; in fact, I will acknowledge him individually before my Father and before His angels.”

- Revelation 3:5

What a massive reward for victoriously staying strong in our faith for the duration of our life; Jesus will acknowledge us individually before God and the angels in Heaven! As someone who enjoys the spotlight more than I probably should, I really can’t imagine anything to possibly make me happier than to stand in Heaven and experience this exact scene playing out! One of the most difficult truths to face in life is that there are only two possible outcomes after we die; we either spend eternity in happiness with God in Heaven, or we spend eternity in misery in Hell. Every choice we make in life is leading us towards one destination or the other, so it’s up to us to make the right decision.

There are two types of happiness that we can experience here on Earth; the deep, lasting, meaningful happiness that comes from obedience to God, and the short, unsatisfying, temporary happiness that comes from indulging in our sins, that immediately leaves us feeling guilty afterwards. When we make the choice to be obedient to God, to serve him in our lives daily and choose His will over our own, it always leaves us satisfied because we know that what we’re doing is right. The choices can be hard, and sometimes it’s not a lot of fun to choose to do what God wants us to instead of following our selfish desires, but the reward is immediate in the feeling of peace and satisfaction that we get from doing what we were created to do.

Our spirits know that we were created for so much more than just the day-to-day routine of living. We were created to glorify the God of all the universe and to have a close, personal relationship with Him. We have a longing inside of us for Heaven, and it is the deepest desire of our heart. The reason we’re so happy and content when we live for God is because our heart knows that we are pursuing our deepest purpose, and it rejoices in that fact! I have felt that happiness from God several times in my life, which then begs the question, “Why the heck do I ever choose any other option?”

The happiness we get from following sin is like someone competing in the worst look-alike competition ever! It is such a pale imitation of the true happiness from God, that it’s almost a joke to use the same word to describe them both! Whether you get this sinful happiness from indulging in acts of lust, greed, deception, gluttony, or anything else, you always have that immediate feeling of guilt afterwards. In addition to the guilt, it always leaves you feeling unfulfilled. The happiness is so fleeting that you can never do it just once; you have to keep committing the sin so you can feel that happiness again. It seems like it lasts an even shorter period each time, so you dive deeper and deeper into the sin and don’t even realize how trapped you are.

I have allowed myself to get into this destructive cycle far more times than I would like to admit. The worst part is that I’ve felt the supernatural happiness and peace from God many times in my life, and yet I still fall into sin sometimes. If we are not constantly on our guard and striving daily to live for God, we are susceptible to sin’s temptation. I’ve found that when I do the little things like reading my Bible and praying daily, I’m much stronger when temptation comes. Things like going to church, being a part of a Bible study, listening to Christian music, and journaling are all simple things that help us to stay on track with our faith. Try to think of anything you can do to help yourself always choose the Heavenly happiness over earthly happiness. Remind yourself constantly when temptations arise, that you know what real happiness is, and only God can give you that!

Choosing to live for God daily takes a lot of effort, and I’m guilty of feeling too confident in my own strength sometimes. It’s only because God is with us that we can overcome sin. This song is an excellent reminder of our human limitations, and it certainly motivates me to seek God’s help in my life!

I will be writing a new post once a month, so please keep a lookout for the next one. I really appreciate any comments, questions, or concerns you may have, and look forward to responding to any messages when I have time. I hope this blesses you and encourages you, and thank you for reading!


Matt Casperite

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